🐸 Froggy-Spoken Thank You & Update!

发表 9年前

Hello my friends and fellow Tingleheads :D This is just a super quick video to say thank you for your incredible support and enthusiasm regarding my latest 360° video and what Maria, Heather, and myself are trying to accomplish with PixelWhipt! I also want to update you on PixelWhipt’s official Facebook that we’ve recently launched to better interact with everyone interested in what we’re doing with immersive entertainment & relaxation, here’s the link: http://goo.gl/66eDPC

Additionally, GentleWhispering has a new 360° ASMR video coming out tonight, so if you go check out our PixelWhipt Facebook page, you can see a preview of it right now! :D I hope you enjoy it, and keep an eye out for the full video launching tonight!

**Update: the 360° video I mention in this video by GentleWhispering is now available and can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPJfsbAQ1k0***

PixelWhipt Facebook Page: http://goo.gl/66eDPC
PixelWhipt YouTube Page: http://goo.gl/hxldHb
PixelWhipt Twitter Page: http://goo.gl/3ER9Dq


asmr calm calming hypnosis relax relaxation relaxing sleep
