The ASMR Tag (25 Question Challenge)

SleepStories ASMR
发表 6年前

Hello! Thank you for joining me as I respond to The ASMR Tag. I hope you’ll feel like you know me a little better after watching❤️

🐱 And thank you, Miss Vindicat , for tagging me! You guys can visit her channel here:

I’m passing this 25 question challenge along to:

Still Waters ASMR:

Gaslamp ASMR:

Mysterious Madam ASMR:

AI Lullaby ASMR:

Nyla Vox ASMR:

In this video, I also refer to the following videos:

The Crooked Ginkgo ASMR, “Rosemary Meadow” series:

Miss Vindicat, “How to enjoy life being single”:

Sleeping Pearl:

Goodnight Moon, “Summer in the Forest”:

Guild of Ambiance, “Rain and

Thunderstorm Sounds”:

Springbok ASMR, reading “Instructions” by Neil Gaiman:

Spiritual Unfoldment, “Discovering Stillness, with John Butler”:

The 25 Questions:
1. When was the first time you experienced ASMR?
2. When was the first time you watched ASMR on YouTube?
3. What is your favorite unintentional ASMR video?
4. Name the last five ASMRtists that you watched.
5. What is your favorite ASMR trigger to listen to?
6. What is your least favorite trigger to listen to? (Do it!)
7. Do you use ASMR to relax or fall asleep?
8. What is your bed time routine?
9. What is your favorite trigger to do? (Do it!)
10. What is your least favorite trigger to do? (Do it!)
11. How long does it take you to make a video?
12. Have you ever gotten tingles from your own videos?
13. Do you watch your own videos?
14. What software do you use to edit?
15. What time of day do you film?
16. What is your favorite video that you’ve made?
17. Has one of your videos had an unexpected negative fan reaction?
18. What video of yours, do you think, did not get the love it deserved?
19. What is something the audience does not know about the behind the scene of your channel?
20. What is the most absurd request you have received from a fan?
21. Do your family and friends know you make ASMR videos?
22. Have you ever been recognized in public?
23. What inspires your video ideas?
24. Where do you find yourself spending the most time online?
25. What advice would you give to someone who wanted to make their own ASMR content?


25 question challenge asmr asmr community asmr tag ASMR whisper getting to know you relaxation relaxing asmr relaxing video soft spoken softly spoken asmr talking head the asmr tag whisper community Whispered ASMR
