Hello and welcome to my channel! 🙏❤️
This is the second video in my 20 minute reiki series. We will be getting into the right ‘space’ and frequency to connect and maybe even communicate with our angels and ancestors.
**This reiki session was filmed during the 22.2.22 portal also known as ‘Angel Day.’ We have passed through a very powerful manifestation portal. Great changes are coming!**
Due to our busy lives, negative frequencies all around us and electronic devices, we don’t really get a chance to centre ourselves and tap into a very deep and wise part of our soul.
I will be removing negative cord connections, low frequencies, attachments and residual energies using plucking, cutting, pulling and my 528hz tuning fork. I will also be using selenite, ametrine (amethyst combined with citrine) and clear quartz. You may start to pick up on a ‘lost time,’ or be drawn to a specific time period, perhaps several. Pay attention to messages, names, songs or anything else (however random) that may come to you.
You may not pick up anything in this session, but it may come to you in dream state or at a later date. You can return to this video at any time.
To book a session with me: https://thelightworkersway-shop.company.site/products/search?keyword=sessions
** NOTICE: 📝 I will never reach out asking for money or offering a service! I will also never reach out or message you on any social media platform. The links to my TikTok and Instagram accounts are my ONLY accounts. **
** Please note: that reiki is not intended as a cure or a replacement for medical treatment. However it is an excellent complimentary treatment alongside conventional medical care. If you have any health concerns please consult your doctor. **
Join me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachel_lightworkersway
* I am a certified angelic healer with The Angelic Reiki Association and certified Angel Healer with The Centre of Excellence.
I am also a Chikara-Reiki-Do Master combining Usui and Tibetan Reiki. *
Instagram: https://instagram.com/rachel_lightworkersway?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lightworkersway369?_t=8bPVhWGVr3l&_r=1
SHOP MY AMAZON STOREFRONT: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/thelightworkersway?ref_=cm_sw_r_mwn_aipsfshop_aipsfthelightworkersway_9TAQ4P4J9NSBV16DFQYF
Music credits:
*Humano Sacred Chant
*528Hz Meditation Music by Nature Healing Society
This video was created for relaxation and entertainment purposes only. For more information about ASMR please click the following link: * https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASMR
Angelic Reiki ASMR Energy healing Ancestors Relaxation Mindfulness