*Welcome to my 100K special!!* 🎉 Can I be real honest? I cannot process in my head that my channel has grown this much ... that people enjoy watching what I do? 🙈 Umm, what is happening? Are people gonna come up to me now and freak me out ... lol. It's such a strange phenomenon being on the internet when I am not a social media person whatsoever. I'm such a private person ... but my channel has become an amazing outlet for my stress and in turn, has become a supportive space for everyone to tune in and tune out the world for just a lil bit. So thank you for sharing what's on your mind and how my videos help in anyway! You know how I am with this depressive mind, I never give myself enough credit for anything I do. But in this moment, I feel very grateful for you guys! This fulfills so much inside of me. I can't explain it other than, the need to express myself since I was a child ... and finally being able to, ever so slowly, on this platform has really been therapeutic for me. 🙏
So thank you to all my subscribers that have supported me in my lil creative bubble, from the beginning ol' G's and new!! 👭👫 I am SOO grateful for you all, for all your sweet comments, and even sharing your own personal experiences with me! Thank you for letting me share the happy moments of my childhood: moments of connection through touch.
With that being said, enjoy this 100K special!!! I may still do a live asmr, not sure yet, but enjoy this lil treat for now! A tingly back treatment with the works! (The first 5 mins does have added sounds just to keep a constant flow of tingles throughout the whole video!) This hot neon pink glittery mask is soooo beautiful and sparkly!!! Although I would not recommend getting it (Marshall's) because it stains the skin. Anywho, after the mask, I give my cousin a soothing oil massage and much more! SO ENJOY THE TINGLES, *DON'T FORGET TO USE HEADPHONES* AND THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕
One more thing lol.. *I will also be posting another version WITHOUT the added sounds for those who enjoy the authentic sounds as it, tomorrow!* OK, have a great week everyone!! 😘👍👍👍
Let's keep in touch!!
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/relaxwithreena
PayPal: https://goo.gl/WJrJiz
What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Low-grade euphoria: a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin. -Wikipedia
After discovering ASMR and greatly benefiting from the amazing, therapeutic content out there, I decided to re-create my own childhood tingles and nostalgia! And I hope that these videos will provide you with the same calm and relaxation I've experienced with ASMR.
asmr applying a mask asmr back brushing asmr back massage with oil asmr back tracing tickle asmr back treatment asmr charcoal peel off mask asmr galaxy peel off mask asmr glittery peel off mask asmr neck massage with oil asmr oil back massage asmr oily skin sounds asmr peel off mask asmr peeling off mask asmr skin sounds asmy dry back treatment relaxwithreena relaxwithreena hair brushing relaxwithreena massage