calisthenics and me

Cherry Cupcake
发表 3年前

I am a sleepy Cupcake this morning and just wanted to leave you with a little bit of inspiration to kickstart your day in the right way...or maybe it will make you want to go back to sleep instead but either way, just a glimpse into my routine on a day when I am in the mood. And I swear that those shorts are NOT pink.

I am off to hike a quick hike and pick up supplies for the day ahead.

I am still upside down and back to front with my recording and trying to mend some wrongs but please bear with me as I do so.

Thank you to those of you who have continued to be wonderfully supportive and kind. And to those of you who keep blaming me for the bad reputation of ASMR...whatever


#calisthenics #coreexercises
