ASMR || Reassuring Affirmations (Personal attention, close up whispers, ...) ❤️😚

Lotta's ASMR
发表 4年前

Hi guys!
Today, I want to help you feel good with some reassuring affirmations. I wanted to call them 'positive affirmations' at first but that's not really what they're about.
They are positive, yes, but they focus more on telling you that it's okay, you're gonna be okay. ❤️😚

I know that especially during this time of the year combined with the virus can be really tough, so I'd like to tell you that I'm always here for you.

Now, I hope that you'll have a good night, sweet dreams!

Enjoy! ❤️

A S M R P L A Y L I S T :

F O L L O W M E O N . . .


What is ASMR?

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine (also called ‘tingles’). It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control. Those stimuli are referred to as ‘triggers’.
People watch ASMR to calm down and relax, to fall asleep, to focus or just because they like it.

#ASMR #whispering #personalattention #reassuringaffirmations


affirmations asmr blue yeti breathe Breathing brush brushes brushing face brushing face touching it's okay Lottas Mind mic scratching mic touching Microphone new personal personal attention positive positive affirmations reassuring reassuring affirmations relax relaxation relaxing scratching soft spoken therapy tingle tingles trigger triggers whispering whispers You're okay
