저번에 심장소리 올렸을때,
뱃속소리 요청 댓글이 많이 달렸었는데,
제가 삭제한게아닌데 자체적으로 다 삭제 되더라구요..
꼬르륵소리는 민망해서 가져올까 고민했지만....😅
요청이 많았어서 준비해보았어요 ㅎ
Last time, when I raised the heart.
There were many comments asking for the sound of camouflage.
I didn't delete it, but it was erased from YouTube.
(Why is that?
I was ashamed of the sound of camouflage.😅
At first, I drank a lot of water because there was no loud noise.
Thank you for watching.
💓 구독, 좋아요, 알림설정은 저에게 큰 힘이됩니다
🔮소품 및 촬영 후원하기 (Sponsoring props and filming)
#ASMR #뱃속소리 #StomachGrowling #심장소리 #HeartBeat #노토킹 #Notalking
asmr Heartbeat Notalking StomachGrowling 音フェチ