I got Premium Chinese Moxibustion Face massage in Tokyo, Japan (Soft spoken ASMR)

发表 2年前

salon info: 東洋漢方ヘッドスパ&小顔コルギ KOUHUA【コウファ】
address: Tokyo, Yokohama, Kannai station
address in Japanese: 神奈川県横浜市中区常盤町2-20 ヴェラハイツ関内801
menu I got: N1 famous head spa menu 11000円 ($81) + N1 famous facial menu 8800円 ($60)
menu in Japanese:【1番人気♪】東洋漢方頭療ヘッドスパ90分15400円→11000円+定番人気小顔カッサ90分初回体験8800円
Owner: Ou Kouhua san
Discount for ASMR Twix Subscribers!
Mention "ASMR Twix" in the beginning of your session to get 10% OFF discount.
book here: https://beauty.hotpepper.jp/kr/slnH000587884/
Instagram page: https://instagram.com/salon_kouhua?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Shop our International/US based website: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop

Products used in the video (pre-order is available for end of September and beginning of October)
Terahertz massage comb with Shiatsu spoon:https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/products/comb-spoon
Shiatsu spoon: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/products/teraspoon
Facial Gua Sha: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/products/guasha
Twin mushrooms: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/products/mushroom

Purchase your spa tools throught the links below! Our massage tools are used in Japanese spa and salons for customers from this year. Experience your every day spa and stress free lifestyle with our massage tools and beautiful earrings.
International shop: https://pleasetakecareofme.shop/
Japanese shop: https://minne.com/@asmrtwix-jp

Answers for frequently asked questions.
1. I have been living in Japan for several years now. I'm a Student + SPA reviewer
2. For privacy issues, I prefer to keep my ethnicity, real name, age, address in private.
3. I don't get treatment that often as I post them frequently. I balance treatments schedule considering my skin and health condition.
4. Why "Twix"? Me and My sister work on creating these contents together. As you know Twix chocolate bar has 2 pieces. So, I'm not the only creating these videos. My sister👩 is behind the camera as Camerasister. So we thought that would be fair If I add my sister's name. Of course, not directly adding her name.
5. Camerasister prefers to work behind the camera. I hope you will respect her decision.
6. Don't worry Camerasister gets her own sessions off cmaera.
7. We don't do "Whispering" and "No talking" videos.
8. All the places I show on this channel aren't sponsored. If I get sponsored on my videos, I'll definitely mention about sponsorship in the videos according to YouTube sponsorship terms and conditions.
9. You can visit all these relaxing places on my channel.
Often there're special discounts or sometimes special gifts just for my subscribers.
10. Many of you worry about hair types, language barrier or just being nervous. BUT we always make sure to ask about these concerns from the places. All of them are very kind and foreigner welcomed places. All require booking beforehand!
11. Do I have any other social media?
I have Instagram account @asmr.twix . You can follow me using this link: https://www.instagram.com/asmr.twix/?igshid=giuqc3yz25xw
12. Do I have small business?
Yes, I have! It's called Please take care of me...
You can purchase Terahertz massage and facial tools.
our Instagram: @please_takecareofme

I hope you had fun reading my short Q&A!
Thank you for supporting our family! Like & Subscribe!


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