ASMR || ALL NEW triggers to give you all the tingles 🕯💙 (tapping, scratching, ...)

Lotta's ASMR
发表 3年前

Hello there!

Over the last few weeks, I've gathered quite a few new triggers! So a little while ago, I put on some long fake nails and decided to group them together into two videos!

This is the first video which includes mainly green and blue triggers, the next one will be yellow and pink. This video includes tingly tapping, scratching, squishing, crinkling and more sounds!

I hope you like it, have a good night!

Enjoy! ❤️

🌿 timestamps 🦋
00:00 start
01:43 face mask
03:55 tea
09:26 candle
15:18 cooling face mask
19:07 kiwi slime
21:54 end + outro

A S M R P L A Y L I S T :

F O L L O W M E O N I N S T A:


What is ASMR?

Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine (also called ‘tingles’). It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control. Those stimuli are referred to as ‘triggers’.
People watch ASMR to calm down and relax, to fall asleep, to focus or just because they like it.

#ASMR #TriggerAssortment #tapping #scratching #crinkles


asmr assortment binaural crinkles ear to ear face mask glass tapping long nails new paper sounds relax relaxation relaxing scratching sleep sleep inducing sleepy soft spoken squishing stereo tapping tingle tingles tingly trigger trigger assortment triggers whispered whispering whispers
