ASMR Aromatherapy Leg Massage with Victoria and Jodi | 2 of 4

ASMR With Victoria
发表 3年前

This is the second in four parts of the whole body treatment. Last week you saw a back and shoulder aromatherapy massage, today focuses on the legs.

Using aromatherapy essential oils of grapefruit, rose and seaweed extract, I gently continue the whole body massage by concentrating on the legs. While Jodi is in a prone lying position, I firstly attend to the back of the legs before she turns over so the massage can continue to the front. While I explain each technique, I name the muscles and anatomy addressed and how the treatment helps our health.

Aromatherapy's main role is the application of essential oils for good health. Our skin accepts and absorbs these oils from nature and transports them within our circulatory systems to produce improvement in many ways which can include endocrine, lymphatic, respiratory, muscular and more.

Meanwhile, our nervous system relaxes, our mental consciousness accepts and produces tranquility and serenity. We generally move into a state of theta brainwave function once relaxed thoroughly yet still aware. This state often is reached in meditation or sleep and can open a door to a deeper level of consciousness. Such is the state of the mind once we receive a long massage where we go beyond simply enjoying a nice treatment and enter another world of total harmony.

Jodi had worked a long day and was very much looking forward to a couple of hours on the couch receiving an aromatherapy massage. She is generally on her feet most of the day so her legs and ankles needed a relieving treatment for tension and fatigue.

My gratitude goes to Jodi for being a beautiful and willing volunteer, to Jez for his professional skills as my cameraman and to Jez's band Erica for the soundtrack background music of Butterfly which can be heard in all its glory at

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00:00 Introduction
00:47 Back of right leg
04:59 Back of left leg
06:57 Turn over
07:04 Front of left leg
11:22 Left foot
15:44 Front of right leg
18:54 Right foot
21:33 Chat with Jodi


Aromatherapy asmr asmr aromatherapy massage asmr leg massage relaxation essential oils Leg Massage victoria sprigg aromatherapy victoria sprigg swedish health intended petrissage massage techniques petrissage massage knuckling massage knuckling massage purpose
