[ASMR] Social Anxiety Chats | Episode 2: Recognising Irrational Thoughts & Assumptions

Katie ASMR
发表 4年前

0:00 Introducing the series
5:35 Recap of last episode
7:18 This episode begins

Hey family! ❤️

So - This is something I've been wanting to start this for a long time... it's going to be an ongoing series each week all about social anxiety!

Welcome to episode 2… If you missed the first you can find it here:


So why the series…?

Well… I used to struggle quite bad with social anxiety as a teenager to the extent where I felt it really disrupted my day to day life. I would be very uncomfortable in pretty normal situations and just generally struggled to make friends. But, I went through a lot of changes since then and I'm thankfully at a point now where I feel I no longer struggle with it at all. (I still get shy sometimes, but that's normal.) I feel like I managed to heal, and I'm so incredibly grateful for that. So I wanted to try and share with you some of the things which helped me, share bits of my story with you and share some of the realisations I had along the way.

It's far too much to fit into one video, so I thought a series was more appropriate where I focus on a different topic every episode. It's probably going to be pretty random as to the order in which I bring topics up!

Please please be aware that this is NOT professional advice, I'm NOT trained in anything and this is no replacement for professional help. This is not even going to be advice really - the format is going to be more just a conversation between friends where I'm opening up about my own life. Everything I am going to share in the series is simply my PERSONAL experience, so it's important to note that what helped me may not necessarily help you, because we are all different and we all struggle with things at different severities and for different reasons. So PLEASE be aware that this isn't a series to watch in hope of it fixing your problems, but rather it's just a way for you to gain insight into another persons experience - and in doing so perhaps you may feel less alone in your own struggles. If the series helps any of you to cope better with your own social anxiety then that will be an added bonus, but it is not a promise of the series, so just bear that in mind. ❤️️

I love you guysss !!


Pssstt, if you're new to this channel ~

Hi! 🤗 Welcome 🤗 Please feel invited to tell me a bit about yourself in the comments, I love more than anything being able to get to know you guys, so don't be a stranger. This is a safe, inclusive space - and if you are a human being of any kind, know that you are welcome & valued here as an equal. ❤️️


Also, if you would like to support me to keep improving the channel & help me in reaching my dream of one day maybe making youtube my job (so that I can have a job that I truly love and is meaningful to me 🙈😊❤️️) the place to do it is here:


There are different tiers with fun benefits for you guys like extra content / livestreams / postcards / zoom meetings & group chats so check it out if you have the time, I would be sooooo so grateful ❤️️🤗🥺

That being said, there’s absolutely no pressure, and I still love and appreciate you incredibly regardless of whether you sign up or not. I am truly grateful to each one of you who watches and engages with my channel, thank you for being here and making me feel seen and listened to ❤️️. You guys mean the world & without you I wouldn’t even have a channel.

Thank you so so SOOOO much to my little Patreon family who are supporting me already:

TC Phillips, Jordan, Nate, Seasons of Wither, Jack, Victor, Michelle, Red Velvet Kitty, Samuel, Connor, Dylon, Taylor, Aaron, Hutch, Umba Kalumba, Alyssa, Dani, Kate, Ryan, The Red Wolf, Chey, Henry, Ollie, Jello, Nik, Rob, Sandra, Savi, Hamad & No Self (And of course Liam, Emily, the big bro & Langsi 😁)

I love and appreciate you guys and your kindness more than I can express 🙈



Twitter & Insta: @katieasmr
Email: [email protected]


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