ASMR Surgery Hernia Repair | Medical Role Play

The Cozy Hospital ASMR
发表 3年前

Welcome back to the Cozy Hospital! In today's medical ASMR role play, you have an inguinal hernia and Dr. Cozy is going to repair it with mesh. She will go over your chart and some prep questions for you (00:44) and then you will be given an epidural to block any pain (5:10). Once that is placed, she will then have you lie back on the surgical table and clean the site (11:24). The doctor will make an incision (13:06) and begin surgery. Once the mesh has been placed, Dr. Cozy will close the incision with uninterrupted sutures (23:05). She will bandage the wound (28:17) and then you will be moved into recovery. The doctor will do a quick light exam (32:38) and then leave you to relax and recuperate.

This was another requested video - thank you so much for your request! If anyone else has a request, please comment below and let me know! If it is something I am able to do, I would love to make a video for you!

Thank you so much everyone for watching! There are not adequate words to express how grateful and appreciative I am that you are here! xx


