I hope this information is helpful and healing and allows you to further grow step into your power and realize the awesome human (and faerie) you already are!
And I apologize for my member collective that this part was uploaded so late, I promise to try and get better at aligning the timing!
Thank you so much for joining me🙏🏼
Much love& many blessings💕
#love #nature #faeries #thefae #tarot #tarotreading #oracle #mystical #wisdom #spiritualguidance #tea #teatime #herbalmedicine #earthmedicine #plantmedicine #magick #medicine #mummaearth #greatmother #earthhealing #earthbeauty #elements #elementalreadings #elementalmagic #healing #naturehealing #hope #happiness #peace #presence #prosperity #333 #luckyme #444 #openingdoors #555 #itstime #666 #endlessbliss #777 #heaven