Deep Tissue Seated Back Massage That Professional Boxers Need! [ASMR][No Talking]

#asmr #backmassage #boxing
Today I'm joined by my client Cameron a professional Boxer from Doncaster, He's been a client of mine for his past 3 fights and is currently 8-0 with hopefully the chance to fight for area title this year!
Being a Boxer but also a manual working working hard to lay concrete, paving and other ground works his body takes some punishment and thus in fight camp is a regular visitor to my clinic. When I mentioned filming he jumped at the chance to come in and try a few things so I decided to get him in the chair for a seated massage he told me after he loved the scalp massage especially the angel fingers.

Now no-one likes midroll adverts however they have become a necessary evil just for this channel to survive, there are 2 within this video 1 shortly after the intro at 23s and the second at 26:05. I suggest you scan through the video and trigger the adverts and watch them, then simple rewind back to the start and watch advert Free... For those who really Hate adverts Im creating a playlist on Vimeo of all my new 2023 videos no adverts and no sponsorships just pure enjoyment... check it out here
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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine.

The videos created by Shiatsu Shane are not intended to replace any medical care or counselling that you as an individual may require. The videos created on this channel are for the purpose of mindfulness, relaxation and entertainment.
#ASMR #ASMRMassage #PersonalattentionASMR


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