[ASMR] Whisper Ramble About My Channel ~

发表 7年前

Hello everybody... :) As I write this, we are 1.5k away from half a million subscribers!! I could not be more thrilled, more happy, or more motivated. This was supposed to be a "tapping on my 100k Silver Play Button" but turned into just an improv chat. I hope you enjoy it.

I say most of it in the video, but thank you, so so so so SO much. When we do hit 500k, I will celebrate with an ASMR YouTube Livestream, so keep your Sunday nights open and fingers crossed (and press that sub button!!!!!!!)

Sleep well everyone! Filming some really fun roleplays soon that I can't wait for you to see. :3 Now I'm going to play Outlast on Twitch and cry a little...

My upload schedule:
►Every Tuesday
►Every Thursday
►Every Saturday
(Seeking Therapy or Counseling? Try online.)
Side note, I find that I get a lot of comments and messages about using ASMR for anxiety, depression, and more. I can totally relate with that, and ASMR is an awesome outlet for those things. However, if you’re interested, here is a link to a website with real, professional & licensed counselors. You can type to them, or call them! It’s actually a really cool service and I use it personally. It costs as low as $35 a week, and you don’t have to leave your house to use it. :)

Here you go!: http://www.tryonlinetherapy.com/gibiasmr/

FTC: By using my BetterHelp referral link you are supporting this channel. I receive commissions on any sales, but I only promote products I believe in. (I use this website to talk to my own personal therapist!)

I also donate regularly to The Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. I highly recommend it! They give grants to scientists who do studies to better understand and treat mental illnesses.

The last ASMR video to help me sleep:

Find me on the internet!
►PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gibiasmr
►INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/GibiOfficial
►FACEBOOK: https://www.fb.me/gibiasmr
►TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/GibiOfficial (I use this the most)
►SHOP: http://gibi.bigcartel.com/
►GAMING CHANNEL: https://youtube.com/c/GibiOfficial
►TWITCH/LIVESTREAMING: twitch.tv/gggibi

Art Credit to my Twitter pal @IBGNCHaMa for my end screen!


100k about my channel asmr binaural blue yeti channel chat ear to ear gibi green screen half a million journey my life Play Button Ramble silver play button story subs subscribers talk Thank You whisper whispered whispers youtube
