I hope you like this ASMR fast and aggressive hand sounds video!
It contains
finger fluttering
dry hand rubbing sounds
finger snapping
nail tapping
00:00-00:39- intro
00:39-03:03- finger fluttering
03:03-06:35- Dry hand sounds/hand rubbing
06:35-11:20- fabric/ shirt scratching
11:20-15:47- Finger Snapping
15:47-20:19- Nail tapping
20:19-20:44- Outro
make sure to subscribe and like this video to see more!
Take Care
asmrfingerfluttering asmrhandsounds asmrtriggers asmrwhispers asmr asmrfingersnapping asmrhandmovements ASMRMouthSounds asmrnailtapping asmrrelaxing asmrtapping Asmrwhispering dryhandsounds mouthsounds nailtapping