Hey everyone!! 😘 I hope you are all enjoying your weekend so far!! 🌞👀🏠😅 When it's time to wind down, maybe ya'll might enjoy another *scalp scratching session* to keep your mind at ease!! 💆🏻 I decided to do a *SEA SALT, OLIVE OIL SCALP SCRUB* to alleviate my cousin's itchy scalp and to give her a deeper cleanse! She loved the scrubby feeling and the olive oil didn't irritate her scalp (like it did mine, when I tried olive oil years ago) so it was a nice change of oil to use! 👍 So enjoy all the sounds and take care of yourself and your family OK!! *OH YEA, I AM WHISPERING A BIT IN THIS VIDEO!!* I'll post the no talking version tomorrow! Anyways, have a nice day/ evening everyone and I’ll see you really soon!! ❤️
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What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Low-grade euphoria: a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin. -Wikipedia
After discovering ASMR and greatly benefiting from the amazing, therapeutic content out there, I decided to re-create my own childhood tingles and nostalgia! And I hope that these videos will provide you with the same calm and relaxation I've experienced with ASMR.
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