ASMR Cranial Nerve Exam Roleplay for Deep Sleep 🩺👩‍⚕️🧡

发表 1年前

Hello Everyone :) Tonight, I'd like to give you a cranial nerve exam for checking up on your health to start the new year, and also with the hope that this will put you into a deep sleep !
but one thing I want to confess is... Dr.Rang here is a little bit nervous that she might cover your vision and ask you to read out loud what she points to... lol please be kindly patient with her clumsiness.. 🧡
but still ! I hope you enjoy tonight with Dr.Rang !
Have sweeet dreams !
Lots of Love !

#asmr #roleplay #cranialnerveexam

안녕하세요 여러분 혜랑입니다.
오늘은 새해를 맞이하여 다시 새로운 뇌신경 검사를 진행해 드리려고 해요.
뇌신경 검사를 받으시는 동안 편안하게 잠에 드시길 바라며..!
오늘도 와주셔서 고마워요. : )
아, 여러분 오늘 닥터랑은 좀 어리숙해서.. 여러분 눈을 다 가려놓고 시력검사를 진행하게 됐어요... ? ㅎㅎ 귀엽게 봐주세요오.. 하하..
오늘도 여러분 수고 많았어요 ~!
다들 굿밤 : )

Go check and find your sleep mask for your best sleep :)
I've been really enjoying wearing it for my nightly sleep but also always carrying it when I travel.
Get 10% off with the code 'RANGASMR'

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🦋 If you like this video, you'd like these videos [ 이 영상이 마음에 드신다면? ]
• Eng Ver Cranial Nerve Exam
• Kor Ver Cranial Nerve Exam
• Sleep Study

🦋 Time stamps 🦋
00:00 Try Manta Sleep Mask !
01:31 Preview
02:34 Meeting a Dr.Rang
09:02 Let's get started (Sanitizing Hands)
09:34 Measuring your temperature
10:51 Putting on gloves
11:30 Checking inside your mouth
12:20 Checking your heartbeat (Normal breath)
13:57 Checking your heartbeat (Deep breath)
17:10 Visual Acuity Test
20:20 Pupillary Light Reflex Test (Pen light)
21:50 Pupillary Light Reflex Test (Light Magnifier)
23:18 Visual Field Test
25:21 Eye Movement Test
26:36 Color Vision Test
27:24 Facial Sensation Test
28:56 Corneal Reflex Test
29:42 ~ Facial Nerve Test ~ (신경반사 검사)
29:52 Raise your eyebrows
30:03 Keep your eyes closed tightly
30:49 Say Ahhhh & Eeeee
31:14 Tap your forehead
31:28 Jaw Jerk Reflex Test (reflex hammer)
31:54 Face touching
32:36 Hearing Test ( Close up Whisper to each ear )
35:49 Tuning Fork Test
37:59 Olfactory test
40:34 Head & Shoulders muscles test
42:18 Telling the results of examination


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