"Hmmm...yeah it was a long day baby...no, I just want to cuddle up with you on the couch and talk about something nice. Hmmm I don't know what I want for dinner....dark chocolate brownies? Yeah I know you know I love chocolate *giggles...yeah, that sounds great..."
Hey guys, I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I have a special little treat for you guys today...a softly spoken taking care of me roleplay as we cuddle up on the couch...with brownies!!! Because chocolate makes everything better lol plus a snowstorm and warm fireplace soundscape for background ambiance 🤗I hope you enjoy it!
And I'll have more new audios for you again really soon, so be on the lookout!
Visit me on Twitter and FB:
ASMR Kissing & Cuddles By The Fire Taking Care Of Me By Making Brownies Snowstorm & Fireplace Sounds (Taking Care Of Me) (ASMR Kissing) (ASMR Kisses) (Making Brownies) (Softly Spoken) (Fireplace Sounds) (Warm Fire Sounds)
If you like the audio, please be sure to share and like...spread the good vibes for others to enjoy ;)
And don't forget to subscribe to my channel; I'd love to have you join me for my new audio each day!
As always, you are always welcome to share your thoughts or ask away in the comments area below ~ I’ll answer you back as quickly as possible. 😊
Thanks for listening guys!
asmr girlfriend asmr girlfriend roleplay ASMR Kisses asmr kissing asmr roleplay asmr taking care of me fire sound fire sounds Fireplace Sound fireplace sounds girlfriend roleplay kisses and cuddles kissing and cuddles kissing sounds mouth sounds snowstorm sound snowstorm sounds soft speaking softly spoken taking care of me taking care of me asmr wind sounds