This is probably the stupidest video I've ever filmed. Also, I filmed using my binaural mics + it was essentially a monsoon outside, so there will be a lot of white noise because of the rain! Trying to clean up the noise made everything sound weird. It does get a lot better past 10 mins, as the rain cut down a bit.
So, yeah – probably the stupidest video I've ever filmed. In a good way, though; it was hard to stay in character because I was trying not to laugh the entire time. There is also a good amount of mild language haha, and a fair amount of weak insults lmao.
The premise is that you somehow fell into a vampire's lair/bedroom in a rather bad condition, and luckily this particular vampire is more friendly to humans and won't eat you... right now. This vampire is also very old & has moved around a lot, so there will be some weird accent that one can't place, because it is a mix of wherever this one came from over the years. She'll clean your wounds & bandage you up, and help you sleep it off so you can escape her House of Night later on.
Triggers include: lots of tapping on primarily plastic items, ripping paper, personal attention, some liquid sounds, camera/face touching, tweezers/metal tapping, rustling paper,
This channel is open & welcome to everyone – any color, sexuality, identity, disability, whatever – except for racists, homophobes, bigots, or anyone else who discriminates against people for things they cannot change like the color of their skin, where they come from, or who they love. Bounce off my channel if you don't like that & don't even leave your piece - just bounce, honey! :)
If you've gotten this far, consider suppporting/donating the BLM movement, to the victims, the protesters, or many of the organizations that are helping the aforementioned parties. If you can't donate, that's okay! Boost up valuable testimonies, support resources, petitions, etc. I've found that the site is a great place to start. Thanks y'all :)
Hope y'all enjoy, have a whale of a day! :)
xx Calliope
♦ If you feel you wish to donate (but don't ever feel pressured to!) I have three ways to go about it:
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♦ Check me on the socials:
Twitter: @calliopewhisper
Instagram: @xx_calliope
♦ Channel intro created by Bearded Audio ASMR :) background image is “Close-up Photo of Green Leafed Plant” from user Aditya Aiyar on, no attribution required.
♦ I use the Blue Yeti microphone, my Zoom recorder, or the Roland CS-10EM microphones to record audio & my Lumix G85 to film ASMR videos!
♦ Like & comment if you enjoyed this video, subscribe if you want to see more!
♦ Thanks for watching, have a whale of a day! :)
#ASMR #softspeaking #roleplay
anxiety asmr asmr roleplay binaural calm calming comfort comforting crinkling ear to ear face touching fantasy insomnia medical personal attention relax relaxation relaxing role play roleplay rp rude rustling sleep Sleep Aid soft speaking soft spoken stress relief taking care tapping tingles tingly vamp vampire