Hi Friends🌹 ♡asmr unusual mouth sounds with aggressive tapping scratching 3dio binaural sounds ear to ear close up asmr soft spoken Yes my hair is in kawaii style pigtails yah! I love kawaii and I put kawaii stickers on my 3dio the microphone is called Free Space Binaural Microphone I love you friends and hugs ♡💗 these sounds for all my friends help with depressed, insomnia, sadness , loneliness, I want to be your friend be there for you friends 🌹🌵
For Video Requests/emails/donations please email first email - [email protected]
I do have a patreon for donations materials/ props I use for all my asmr videos please and thanks
Thanks for watching💗
Jessica ASMRდ💗
#asmrmouthsounds #asmr #softspoken
Check out my livestream I did the other day hugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo0lYTdTTjw 💗hugs to all my friends 💗
** I been dieting lots drinking shakes, eating fruits and working out at home in my gym and have lost tons of weight! *** I also been taking diet supplements help burn all my fat off of me green tea diet vitamins for weight loss~~~ maybe I should do an asmr soft spoken about weight loss tips soon** Hugs
3Dio Aggressive ASMR asmr asmr 2020 asmr dry mouth sounds asmr fast asmr fast mouth sounds asmr female asmr mouth sounds asmr mouth sounds and whispering asmr no props asmr relax asmr soft spoken ASMR Tingles asmr tingly asmr unique triggers asmr unpredictable asmr weird style binaural closeupasmr just Microphone personal attention propless stress reduction unpredictable triggers