Good evening Starlight,
It is completely normal to feel lonely. My heart goes out to you if you are struggling with loneliness. Today we will be discussing as Dr. Therese Mascardo refers, "feeling seen, heard, understood and known", stress plucking, and going through a loving kindness meditation (as known to me by Sharon Salzberg). We'll discuss some insights the Healthy Gamer has shared on loneliness as well.
Sending you so many positive wishes, Angel.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod: Fluidscape (YouTube audio library)
Raindrop on rooftop sound (Youtube audio library)
References mentioned in this video:
Dr. Therese Mascardo's video on loneliness:
The Healthy Gamer's video on loneliness:
Sharon Salzberg on loving kindness meditation (I was introduced to her and this kind of meditation by the 10 Percent Happier app):
This video is for entertainment purposes. It is not medical advice or treatment. If you have a healthcare concern you'd like to address, please consult your trusted and licensed healthcare professional. Thank you, Angels.
- Yeva
#asmr #loneliness #lonely #softspoken #facetouching
loneliness asmr face touching lonely soft spoken