My 5:00pm alarm went off on Sunday afternoon, while I was outside reading on my front porch and listening to some background ASMR. I didn't exactly have the greatest triggers around me to make sounds with, but I did the best with what I had. Here's a 5 minute video of me tapping on everything I could reach.. the wooden armrest of the rocking chair, my metal drinking cup (don't worry, I didn't drink the water after I put my fingers in it), some bones, my book, etc. Hope you like it.
I was challenged to do this by BagelDogs ASMR:
I think everyone I know to tag has already been tagged by someone else to do this. I would tag K.O.AMSR unless she's already been tagged
5pm 5pm challenge 5pm lofi 5PM lofi Challenge asmr iMovie karuna satori lofi lofi challenge lofy tag videos tapping sounds