ASMR | Binaural Ear to Ear PLASTIC Triggers✨ (No Talking)

Moi Veronica ASMR
发表 2年前

Hello hello hello🌸☺️ Pop on your headphones & get ready to go to plastic ear to ear heaven💕

00:00 - intro
00:06 - Plastic covered mic
06:43 - Gel Ice pack
09:37 - Facial wash bottle
09:44 - Makeup remover
11:47 - Cotton pads bag
14:26 - Tiny Plastic beads
16:59 - Facial wash
18:30 - Beach ball-like plastic

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Contact: [email protected]
Instagram: moiveronicaasmr

#asmr #plastic #plasticasmr


asmrmic asmrsleep asmrtingles moiveronicaasmr asmr asmrforrelaxation asmrforsleep asmrforstudy asmrforwork asmrfriend asmrtrigger background backgroundasmr binaural Binaural Ear to Ear bottle brush coveredmic CrinkleASMR crinkles crinklesounds eartoear eartoearasmr gentleasmr Makeup makupbrush mic Notalking plastic plasticasmr plasticcoveredmic plasticsounds platiconmic relax relaxing sleep sounds tingle tingles triggers
