Removing your makeup (personal attention role play) (layered sounds) (hand movements) (wet and dry mouth sounds) (personal attention role play) 💖 yall like this fresh out of bed filming LOL i am at the cottage so i filmed this before i left. Still got my bed head and that morning look so don’t mind the thumbnail etc :p 😵💫
0:00 hello
1:12 removing face makeup
4:05 wiping off oil
6:11 steaming your face
7:34 lip scrub
9:32 wiping off the scrub
9:49 face moisturizer
11:57 lip balm
14:19 rolling your face
15:40 brushing eyebrows
17:05 oil on eyebrows
18:26 spraying water
19:07 sleepy time
19:40 bye
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#asmr #satisfying
asmr asmr cozy role play asmr hand movements asmr layered sounds asmr personal attention asmr personal attention role play asmr removing your makeup ASMR Role Play ASMR Skincare ASMR sleep asmr to make you feel better asmr wet and dry mouth sounds relax