ASMR Master Tingles | Watch this video to get your tingles back!!

King Caitlin ASMR
发表 11个月前

Hiii baby ♡♡♡
This video is intended for the tingliest tingle tingle tingles. Guaranteed tingles down your spine, shoulders, neck, face and even the top of your head! (Or your money back.)
Master Tingles (aka Caitlin)

Comment if I made you tingle tingle tiiiingle :)

♡ Video Editing Apps: Splice & Final Cut Pro
♡ Overlay: Stock Videos "floating dust particles"

❤️ ASMR TIKTOK- kingcaitlinasmr
❤️ PERSONAL INSTAGRAM- kingcaitlinnn

#layeredsounds #tingles #goosebumps #personalattention #touchingyourface #asmrtingles #mouthsounds #relaxing
