Hello there,
Today's video is something a little different. I think ASMR and bookish videos just go together so well and I find them super relaxing!
I did some tingly and gentle book tapping and scratching accompanied by my rambly whispers (and of course I had to do some fluffy mic scratching, you know me).
I really hope you find this video relaxing, tingly and entertaining.
Have a great day or night!
00:00 Fluffy mic scratching
01:59 Book tapping & scratching, lots of whispering
23:00 Fluffy mic scratching
#asmrwhispering #asmrbooks #asmrtappingandscratching #asmrfluffymic #readingwrapup
asmr asmr books asmr scratching asmr storytime asmr tapping asmr whispering book reviews reading wrap-up