ASMR - Why Miracle Drug is my favourite song.

发表 4年前

Hey there, here is a link to the song, please listen after watching the video:

Hibernian Marine School was a charity school founded in 1766, interestingly to provide for the orphans and children of seamen.
Mountjoy School was a boarding school in Mountjoy Square.
Bertrand & Rutland school was a church of ireland school.

Skipping ahead sometime to 1972, quite a while later. The Mount Temple Comprehensive School was formed (Mount Temple Comprehensive, 2019).

Where does this all lead? In september 1976, Larry Mullen posted on a noticeboard at his school trying to find other musicians to play with. The four musicians who ended up joining and creating a group went on to form the band U2.
Not only is this obviously a formative time for the band, but they met a student there named Christopher Nolan. No not the filmmaker, but the author. An Irish master of poetry and writing. (The Irish times, 2009).

Christopher Nolan’s story is incredibly inspiring and emotional, and partly why I initially decided to study Occupational Therapy to enable people to overcome their barriers. Though of course now I am moving to animation, though I don't regret my two years of Occupational Therapy study.

Nolan was born with cerebral palsy, with the ability only to move his head and eyes. In his early life many people with access to him thought that he was also intellectually disabled as well as physically disabled. Though, his mother did not believe that, and after some time took him to a specialist who indeed confirmed that he was of “of sound mind” as the wikipedia says.

Sometime later, I think when he was 10, this doctor gave him a relaxant drug, which allowed him to move his head a little bit. This then allowed him to use a modified computer and keyboard to type using a pointer attached to his forehead (Nolan, 2009).

This is the bit which specifically emotionally moved me. Just that simple drug and access to technology allowed him to communicate ANYTHING that he wanted to say. A small puzzle piece removing a barrier and allowing him to enter an entirely new world. Communication is massive. Of course you can see how this led me to pursue Occupational Therapy. Enabling people to overcome barriers is exactly the type of thing OTs do.

Anyway, with this new barrier overcome, Nolan went on to write and publish books and many poems. He started writing only around a year after getting the adaptec technology sorted. His writings were later compiled for his first ever publication, aptly titled ‘Dam-Burst of Dreams’ (McDowell, 1988).

When you listen, comprehend the child, and the thoughts of the mother considering his intelligence. The song bounces between a description of that, and also some religious metaphor at the end. I sincerely hope you enjoy the song.

What does ASMR Mean?
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.

ASMR signifies the subjective experience of "low-grade euphoria" characterized by "a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin". It is most commonly triggered by specific auditory or visual stimuli, and less commonly by intentional attention control. A genre of videos which intend to stimulate ASMR has emerged, of which over 13 million are published on YouTube
(Wikipedia, 2020).

Its basically a tingly and relaxed feeling you get, caused by certain cues we call in the community 'triggers'.

McDowell, E. (1988). Rebirth of ‘Dam Burst,’ Irish Author’s First Book. The New York Times. Retrieved on 17/03/2020:

Mount Temple Comprehensive (2019). History of Mount Temple. Retrieved on 17/03/2020 from:

Nolan, C. (2009). Christopher Nolan. Retrieved on 17/03/2020 from:

The Irish Times (2009). Irisih Author Christopher Nolan dies. The Irish Retrieved on 17/03/2020 from:

Wikipedia (2020). Retrieved on 11/03/2020 from:


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