Thank you for tuning in to another ASMR Video. Today we're trying Diamond Painting for the first time. It was a pretty fun and relaxing little activity, however I do believe I was missing some tools that would have made my life easier. I hope you enjoy the sticky sounds of the. wax and the beads.
(I has some issues with the sound of my microphone, it is all fixed in future videos)
Thank you for all the love, support and ideas you always give me. ♥️♥️♥️
Sweet Dreams xx
You'll hear:
- Close Whispering
- Counting
- Clicky Mouth sounds
- Diamond Sounds
- Plastic Sounds
- Sticky sounds
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#ASMR #whispering #lego
art asmr asmr activity asmr ipad asmr puzzles asmr writing diamond painting Doodle doodles iPad ipad asmr ipad writing lego lego technic nonogram procreate procreate asmr puzzle game puzzles Riddles sudoku writing sounds