[ASMR] Reading You to Sleep ๐Ÿ“– (Relaxing RP) | MattyTingles

Matty Tingles
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Thank you guys SO MUCH for making the Haircut video so successful, Iโ€™m blown away, seriously! In keeping with the roleplay style video, this video is basically me tucking you in at night and getting you to sleep. I read you a book called โ€œCrinkle Crinkle Little Starโ€ which I bought at the Oregon Museum of Science when Mika was here. I tried to talk slow and be relaxing so I hope you like it! Let me know in the comments if you prefer the Roleplay style or IRL, me as me style! ENJOY!

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Hey! My name is Matty and I live in Oregon. Iโ€™ve been an avid viewer of ASMR for over 7 years and I started my channel December 16, 2016. I normally upload 2-4 times per week! Stay tuned and thank you for being here.

- My Other Channels -
Vlog: โ€œEverythingMattyโ€
Music: โ€œMattyMusicโ€

- Social Media -
Twitter: @mattytingles
Instagram: @mattytingles
Snapchat: @MattySnapping

๐Ÿ’ผ Business Inquires
[email protected]

Mailing Address:
PO Box 953
Turner, OR 97392

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amazing asmr ASMR Reading autonomous books comment like matty mattytingles night reading reading you to sleep relaxing relaxing asmr room sleep sounds subscribe viral
