Good evening, my loves. Tonight you have wandered back into the same place you received an aura cleansing, back in my first video which can be found here:
I will be reading your tarot cards and interpreting them with you. Special note: I love dabbling in magic & the occult just as much as the next person, but know that this is all super loose & is more of a tool or guide, not a set in stone divination. Any card can belong to any person, it is how you interpret how the cards work with your life and the events that happen to you!
Have a request? Shoot me an email: [email protected]
Check me on Twitter for personal updates & somewhat deep quotes or incredibly inappropriate replies to other ASMRtists: @calliopewhisper
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cards celtic cross divination for sleep fortune fortune telling future nail sounds nails occult paper paper sounds personal attention reading relax relaxation relaxing roleplay rp scratching soft soft speaking soft spoken story tapping tarot tingle tingles tingly whisper whispering wood