ASMR Tapping on Table (wood) makeup vanity

Jessica ASMR
发表 9个月前

asmr tapping on table

Please wear headphones 🎧 while listening to my asmr #asmr video’s

Feel free to leave a comment down below ⬇️

I’m from Southern Ontario.

About me:
I’m vegan& vegetarian
I have full time job.
Education: College
I wanted to do asmr for sleep and relaxing
About my asmr channel : about sounds you hear everyday or from your childhood.
asmr with me or with me & my family.

I hope you enjoy my asmr videos
Please subscribe, like or dislike my asmr videos Have a nice day.

Send me an email 📧 first: for PayPal donations I use the $ for props | [email protected]

I Love You .


asmr asmr for sleep asmr no talking ASMR sleep asmr tapping asmr tapping no talking asmr tapping on table ASMR Tapping On Wood asmr tapping sounds ASMR Tapping Sounds - No Talking asmr tapping sounds for sleep tapping tapping on wood
