Covid 19 - 5 Pressure Points To Improve Your Immune System

#covid19 #pressurepoints #shiatsushane
You Join me in this video where i show you 5 pressure points known as tsubos to help improve your Immune System. So with the current crisis in hand i was sat looking at a diary of cancellations and a few hours to spare between clients, and thought i know why dont i do a little video about pressure points. These 5 points have been choosen as they are all believed to help improve your immune system.
Make sure you follow the instructions and do them in order... making sure to spend 30s to 1 minute on each pressure point.

These are strange times we are heading into and i hope you find these points useful.
If you do enjoy them let me know in the comments section below

Welcome to My channel im Shane known locally as shiatsu Shane and i specialise in shiatsu which is a Japanese style body work designed to work pressure points and meridians to support healing within the body. But im also trained in many massage therapies, i created this channel in February 2019 to help people as i learned that through watching massage videos it helps to relax people and ease them of there anxieties, stress and worries even helping with insomnia.
My clinic is great and i love working directly hands on with people but i love youtube too because i can help lots of people all at once. My Goal with this channel is to keep growing it so that i reach and help more people just like you!
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5 pressure points to boost immunity covid 19 help COVID-19 ease covid heal corrono virus heal covi19 pressure points to boost immunity pressure points to heal covid 19
