Hey everyone!! 🙋🏻 It’s me again haha! 😂😂😙 How you doin?!!! Keeping yourself preoccupied right? I hope so! Well ... in case you want to distract yourself, I filmed this *scalp oil treatment* because my cousin’s scalp has been itchy lately. And nothing makes an itchy scalp go away than with coconut oil and oregano oil!! So enjoy the lil drip drops, the scritchy scratchy sounds, the soothing massage and the hair pulling because maaaaaan, this felt good! That’s what my cousin said HAHA!! 😂💆🏻 Have a nice Thursday everyone!! 😘❤️
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What is ASMR???
Autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) is an experience characterized by a tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. Low-grade euphoria: a combination of positive feelings and a distinct static-like tingling sensation on the skin. -Wikipedia
After discovering ASMR and greatly benefiting from the amazing, therapeutic content out there, I decided to re-create my own childhood tingles and nostalgia! And I hope that these videos will provide you with the same calm and relaxation I've experienced with ASMR.
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