WARNING! Eating sounds!! I'm terribly sorry if my eating sounds cause you displeasure :( It's my first time making eating videos so I'm super bad at it 😭
ご視聴ありがとうございます!この前ツイッターで載せた自作の琥珀糖食べてみました♪ それと味に飽きちゃったんでぽてちも食べました。(笑)
Thank you for watching !!Today I ate Kohakutou which I posted picture of earlier on Twitter♪ I got kinda bored of the taste so I ate potato chips aswell haha
In the next video I want to make a Q&A video so if you have any questions, please comment down below or on my twitter account !! Thank you!!
Discord (our little community グループチャット)https://discord.gg/EW52yDG
Twitter→ https://twitter.com/ASMRBluekatie
(Patreon) 新しいカメラやマイクなど、動画のクオリティを上げるためにみなさんの助けが必要です(泣)ありがとうございます!・I need your support to be able to afford camera& other props so that I can upgrade my video quality 🙏Thank you!→ https://www.patreon.com/ASMRBluekatie
aloe vera Anime asmr Bluekatie brushing cookies cute ear licking eat eating eating sounds honeycombs Ice japan Japanese kawaii kohakutou Life with mak manga mcdonalds mouth mouth sounds mukbang nail no talking noodles potato Potato Chips Q&A scratching sleep inducing sounds sushi sweets tapping whisper 音フェチ