Hi Everyone
So this is a very random video idea, I've had these ridiculously scratchy socks for about 10 years now, I never wear them because I don't want to do that to my feet, but I don't ant to waste them so I still have them. Let's see if maybe they have found a use for themselves today!
Today I will be scratching the mic with the ridiculously scratchy socks, with and without cover and also with a sock covering the mic. I love the sounds it makes with the cover off and the sock on the mic, I'm less sure with the cover on.
What so you think, are the scratchy socks good? Let me know in the comments & I hope you enjoy this one.
asmr asmr brain scratch asmr fabric scratch asmr mic rubbing asmr mic scratch asmr mic scratching asmr mic touching asmr no talking asmr scratch asmr scratching ASMR Scratching no talking brain scratch brain scratching brain scratching asmr fabric scratching mic scratch mic scratch no talking mic scratching mic scratching asmr mic scratching no cover No Talking asmr scratching asmr scratching no talking tingly brain scratching tingly scratching