[ASMR] Grief & Loss Healing Session | Reiki, Singing, Sound, Lots of Talking.

Sunna Friðjónsdóttir

Grief. A cycle that can run over and over again, each time in a new light, each time with a new lesson, a new shadow.. A loss that has forever changed you, a trauma that is not simple. But it is possible to find peace. This video is dedicated to any of you who are either going through recent loss, and therefore in the midst of the shock, the early phases of grief, and for any of you who have been going through it for years, or those of you who aren't going through it directly but have possibly suppressed unprocessed emotions and energies related to loss.

In the video, in an ASMR style, I use Reiki, intuitive-clairvoyant energy work, my andara singing bowl, koshi chimes, my singing voice, incense, selenite wand, as well as softly talking you through the session. Like usual, I use my hands a lot while I do energy work, so that is also visually pleasing:)

I have been picking up my Blackmagic video camera after many years, but I am rusty, so I for example used a lense that is not meant for that camera, which some of you will be able to tell, but oh well:) it doesn't get in the way of the purpose of the video - healing.


My name is Sunna and I am an intuitive energy practitioner, course facilitator, and a singer-songwriter/composer from Iceland. If you like this content then stick around in the comments and subscribe to not miss a future video from me 💖

The music you hear in the video is my own:

✨ GUIDEBOOK - The Empath's Way to Energetic Peace: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/book-sm
✨ HEALING CONTAINER: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/surviving-to-thriving-healing-container
Surviving to Thriving Healing Container (Online Membership) - A month-to-month group program in the form of a monthly membership, to heal, shift, and truly start living and thriving *with* your sensitivities, with ease, lightness, and anxiety-free.

Send me an email if anything is unclear or if you have some inquiries: [email protected]

🌲 Energy Healing Website: https://houseofreiki.is/english/home
🌲 Music Website: https://www.sunnafridjons.com/
🌲 IG: @sunnafridjonsmusic & @houseofreiki.is
🌲 Tiktok: @sunnafridjonsdottir & @sunnafridjonsmusic

Other stuff:

✨ Mini-courses (you get these for free inside the healing container):
- Spiritual Protection for the Warrior of Light €45
- Stop Being an Energy-Sponge €45
Get both for the price of 1 here: https://houseofreiki.samcart.com/products/spiritual-protection-minicourse

✨ Access Bars (Body process that has changed my life)
To learn about Access Bars:
If you are in Iceland and you're interested in a class, register to this list, and get notified of a future class with me to learn: https://www.houseofreiki.is/access-bars-interest

🦋 BIG THANK YOU 🦋 to my lovely Patreon supporters!

[ASMR] Grief & Loss Healing Session | Reiki, Singing, Sound, Lots of Talking.


asmr energy healing asmr energy pulling asmr female asmr grief asmr grief loss asmr icelandic accent Asmr loss asmr lots of talking asmr reiki asmr reiki sunna ASMR singing bowl asmr soft spoken asmr soft spoken reiki asmr talking crystal healing energy healing energy pulling grief and loss healing icelandic accent icelandic asmr icelandic energy healer icelandic healer loss processing grief sunna asmr sunna fridjonsdottir
