Hey, welcome [back] to my channel. ❤️ This video includes personal attention triggers with whispering and hand movements. I hope it will relax you, help you sleep, or be a nice ASMR background sound. Hope you will enjoy this brain massage 😴😘
#asmrsleep #asmrpersonalattention #brainmassage
Big thank you to my TOP & VIP Cookies on Patreon - Boss_hans, Joshua, Belowen, Nathan, Katomtom, Ronron , Teekay, Genesisjkc, Kris ❤❤❤
And a Big thank you to my dreamer's members - Katomtom, NFSman, The Danny, Beardy. 💕💕
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Night Night....zzzz
Isel 🌸
ASMR Binaural asmr breathy whisper asmr brushing asmr calming you down asmr deep sleep relaxation asmr do as I say asmr ear to ear asmr follow my instructions ASMR Guided Meditation asmr hand movements asmr hypnosis asmr making you sleep asmr meditation asmr mindfulness asmr personal attention asmr relax asmr relaxation ASMR sleep asmr therapy ASMR whisper