[ASMR] Funko POP! - Harry Potter Edition | MattyTingles

Matty Tingles
发表 7年前

***I’m back guys! I hope everyone is doing well. I’m sorry for the delay. I’ve been going through some personal stuff and then my Dad had an emergency surgery that left him in the hospital for 6 days so I was dealing with that. Anyway, I’m back and I have some amazing things in the works for you guys! Just wanted to say hello! Feels good to be back.

Support this Channel on Patreon here: https://goo.gl/YzIXYE
Thank you to the Patrons: Daniel, Tamara, Nicholas, Fluxy Music, Kevin, Zach, Christofolini, Nick.

Amazon Wishlist: (If you want to buy me something cool haha): http://a.co/4DIf0z1

Go Subscribe to my Good Friend’s Let’s Play Channel: https://goo.gl/12Lllo

Go Listen to the Podcast I host: https://goo.gl/Dk0g73

Social Media:
FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/81lQbz
INSTAGRAM: https://goo.gl/egPd5L
SNAPCHAT: @MattySnapping
TWITTER: https://goo.gl/NtT7O2
MUSIC CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/zOeBRp


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