STOP BULLYING ON Miley Cyrus TWERKING VMAs awards performance!

Jessica ASMR
发表 11年前

Miley Cyrus Stuns With "We Can't Stop" & "Blurred Lines" Performances at 2013 MTV Video Music Awards will always be awesome and great so STOP hating on beautiful Miley Cyrus she just trying to have fun! All I see is bullies grow up and stop bullying others!

I love you Miley Cyrus Xo Hugs From me to you cutie! #STOPBULLYING


Cyrus jessicakardashian1 Miley Miley Cyrus Miley Cyrus (icon) miley cyrus robin thicke miley cyrus vma Miley Cyrus VMA 2013 miley cyrus vma dress miley cyrus vma performance Miley Cyrus VMA performance 2013 miley cyrus vma performance video miley cyrus vmas 2013 39 Miley Cyrus We Cant Stop MTV MTV Video Music Award (Award) Robin Thicke (Musical Artist)
