I hope you all are having a wonderful week!
Remember to be gentle with yourself this holiday season...holidays can bring up so many feelings. I know how draining that can be.We all struggle at some point in time, and guess what? Thats OKAY! Please give yourself some gentle loving today..our bodies work SO hard for us to be here in this moment! And if you haven't heard it lately...I'm so proud of you, and you are so loved in the safe space of ours. I hear and see you! ☃️❤️💚
💜💖🎉PATREON (ASMR MADS) LINK- http://www.Patreon.com/asmrmads (5 ASMR VIDEOS A MONTH FOR $3!!!).
📷💜INSTAGRAM- madasmr1
👻SNAPCHAT- asmrmads
📩EMAIL- [email protected]
💄 LIP- KKW beauty Lip liner in "nude 0", Kylie high gloss in "diva"
👀LASHES- Ardel lashes in #113
asmr inaudible whispering lofi whispering