Here's the whole of Phil's Kore Therapy treatment that you may have seen before on this channel. Phil particularly loves the neck release, but feels enormous benefit for his aches and pains, especially the leg and ankle misalignments due to playing a lot of sport.
Join me and Phil in the Bothy Therapy Room at a time we were wearing masks, so I overdub and commentary over the top of the film to explain what I'm looking for, how it helps and what it feels like.
If you'd like more information on Kore Therapy, go to
My thanks go to Phil for letting me film his treatment.
Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing!
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00:00 Introduction
00:34 Chat with Phil
01:18 Kinesiology
12:31 Tuina
17:37 Wing Stretch
19:37 Drunken Walk
20:23 Scapula Float
20:52 Foot & Leg Repatterning
25:23 Sacral Float Qigong
29:25 Turn over
29:56 Introduction to the 2nd half
30:33 Leg alignment
31:55 Foot & ankle float Qigong
33:20 Knee float Qigong
34:55 Neck release
41:49 Cranial balancing
46:48 Breathe & stretch
49:48 Retest kinesiology fails from earlier
51:10 Close
asmr asmr massage asmr victoria sprigg breathe foot massage massage Massage ASMR Qigong scapula Soft Voice stretch tingles tuina tuina massage victoria sprigg victoria sprigg asmr kore therapy cranial balancing sacral float sacrum leg repattern foot repattern wing stretch health intended