Hello there Everybuddy! Enjoy this time with me while I open up a wonderful Christmas gift from my Secret Santa!
(Which I won't say who it is just yet, so you can try to take a guess!)
I want to say thank you to my Secret Santa for EVERYTHING.
Your beautiful soul is beyond words and I love you.
You made this Christmas so very special to me and I will treasure these thoughtful gifts and our friendship forever. ♥
Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)
Here are some Time Stamps if you'd like to jump around to certain points in the video! ♥
1:50 ~~"Thank You Gibi!"
5:00 ~~"Thanking Everybuddy who participated in this gift exchange!"
13:27 ~~Guess who my Secret Santa is while I try to reenact their ASMR intro!
14:30 ~~My Secret Santa Reveal!
16:31 ~~ Reading my Christmas Card! ♥
24:45 ~~ The Gift Opening Begins!
*BIG ole hug to the incredibly talented Gibi ASMR for inspiring me to do this.
Link to her video that inspired me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9jfRwN2Il0
Links to the channels of all the talented ASMR Artists that participated in this~~~
Sophie Michelle ASMR:
Lily Whispers ASMR:
Goodnight Moon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMJgjg2z_IrRm6J9KrhcuQ
Crinkle Luvin ASMR: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCjAcleI6O0o_gUx__B0pdQ
OopsyDaisy ASMR:
Infinitely ASMR:
MinxLaura123 ASMR:
Peace and Saraity ASMR:
Rose ASMR:
Lets Find Out ASMR:
Slight Sounds ASMR:
I will be creating a playlist that will include everyone's unboxing video, once everyone has theirs published, so stay tuned! ♥
Thank you for being here and spending this time with me! Merry Christmas to you all. ♥
Sweet dreams lovelies~~~
♥ If you would like the option to help support my channel, and also have a chance to see more of what I do and love, here is a link to my patreon.
♥ If you would like to follow me on Instagram, here is a link for ya!
♥ If You Would like to follow me on Twitter, here's a link!
♥ Email for business inquiries:
[email protected]
#SecretSanta #ASMR #Christmas2018
2018 christmas asmr ASMR Collaboration Christmas holiday asmr Peace and Saraity prim prim asmr secret santa Unboxing