Hello!! Hiii!!
How's it going?!
Today's Video was a requested videos from one of you guys 💙 thank you 🤗! I'll be trying to be poking your face with several hand movements that my hands decided to make while TRYING 🤷 to make different Tongue Clicking sounds lol 😉.
P.S. Sorry about the jumpcuts, there were toooo many background noises and tiny little children screaming for some reason 😩.
** Oh and if you could please by pass the obnoxious White Noise the Mic is making, I know it's super annoying and it gets to me too trust me 😢 but I'm trying to fix/ get rid of it, pinky promise lol. Other than that, I'll be in the process of making other videos you guys have request! ☺🖤
👻 Snapchat: ilegnaasmr
Thank you for watching! Let me know of any Suggestions 🙂! If you enjoyed it, even if it was a tiny tinyy bit, would you mind liking this video, or Idk if you're not subscribed, maybe Subscribing 🙈? You dont have too! Just hope you enjoy(ed) this video & know that I appreciate you!💛
XOXO ~ ilegna
asmr asmr camera poking asmr poking Camera Lens Poking camera tapping close up asmr hand movements mouth sounds relaxing asmr tongue clicking whispering