ASMR Saying YOUR Positive Affirmations 💖 | Whisper, Personal Attention, Hand Movements

Jocie B ASMR
发表 5年前

Hello lovelies 💖 Today we have a positive affirmations/messages whisper reading that should sound familiar, because you submitted them! Thank you for the outpouring of love, I am so happy to have the ability to share it with the world!

This video was 110% inspired by Gibi ASMR, check out her video here:

🦋 Affirmations Brought to You By (in order said) 🦋
aleezaghani.x, asmrsparkjoy, benluke_239, somethinglikesadir, jennyyydelacruz, tiptap_asmr, sir_lucifer.theotaku, thecosplaynubs, gourmet_scum_, rachelrand
Articulate Design (Matt), FamKam ASMR, TippyTappyASMR, SplendoroftheDawn, Greg Florez, celperani, CodeNameBongo, imandresvega, KimpyASMR
Britt xo, MaceoVik ASMR, Aleeza Xoxo, Gwen Person, Ansha Guila, Ataraktos 01, I love Min Yoongi, George Vena, Hailey R, Huyền La, Lea Meßner, Michelle Wu, Ingrid Andrade, Mia T, Dani Nauschuetz, Amanda Cortes, Britney Dobbs, AJ ø, cielo gonzalez, milagros, LilyG Gast, ally n, Caylee Sasser, vic, husein Jumaa, Elle Schut, Callum Taylor, Karen Morales, Molly Perry, Cruiser_B 97, Christine Hoerz, Toni -, Carly E, taytayrae, The Lovely Nerd, ShiverShins, YostToast, Pangica Teodora, Liz Lionheart, Stephen's ASMR With Me, lior s, Broboi Was up, Iris Mulder, Gabby D, Mariela Lopez, StonedNoob, Maria Kachel, Lara Stamp, Kody Eldridge, ASMR Retro, KatrinaKingsOfLeon, Zoe Anne, Myriam, Miss Popular Going Nowhere, Tiana Lovett, Monica Ibarra, ADS, Raina Zuris, Julia J, clarissa, Vivian Vaeth, Sarah Lucy, Gabriella M, chef souffle, molly, Allison the Unicorn, Robert Poor, Bekah Caldwell, PrettyJ ASMR, Cassie Gordon, Emmalee Baker, Cody Criss, Hannia Rojas, kaitlinakim98, Tanya Solis, Blooming Gloomer, Walter Smith, Яна, Ocean Whispers ASMR, A Heartful Harvest, Zyanya Gálvez, Cara Christine, MariOnly Story, Deborah Fendrich, Alison Ceniceros, Cambelle Nutting, Giselle Lopez, Leonhearted, Lucas Franca, Callum Taylor

And omg I just noticed there were soooo many more that I wasn't able to get to 😱 Thank you all so much, I see you & appreciate you!

I hope you sit back, relax, and like/comment/subscribe to help our channel grow! 🌱

~Jocie B ASMR

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🌈A special thanks to Mitchell Mathie, Greg Florez, Fi Cheng, Farhad Dalvi, Edmundo Gallegos Saucedo, Carly Ewing, Madison King, Robert Poor, Bryan, Andres, & Cassandra🌈

Tuesdays or Thursdays | 6PM EST

I place it here because every little bit does help, but so do free things like being kind, liking, commenting, & subscribing.

*~ MY STORY ~*

Like a lot of us, I happened upon ASMR videos by chance when searching for ‘sleep help’ on YouTube. I fell in love with the community because (alongside the tingles, ofc), it was a space for love, acceptance, and childlike creativity.

For someone who has struggled to love themselves and feel accepted (and continues to struggle on their worse days), ASMR is such a beautiful way to get out of my negative self talk. It speaks to the child within me, who doesn’t know what an amazing kid she is!

I feel that ASMR helps nurture this part of us, and I recommend that everyone take the time to explore the wonderful world of ASMR with an open heart & mind.


asmr asmr comforting you asmr face asmr face touching asmr help you sleep asmr personal attention asmr positive affirmations asmr relaxation ASMR sleep ASMR whisper jocie asmr jocie b asmr
