I've always been fascinated by the idea of time travel and by pretty much everything related to the universe 🚀 (even though I hated solving physics problems when I was in school :)).
Time travel into the future is theoretically possible through relativistic effects like time dilation. The closer you travel to the speed of light, the more extreme the time difference becomes compared to someone at rest. Massive objects like black holes can also make time move slower through a stronger gravitational field.
It's far beyond the current technological and energy capabilities, but somehow you did it...and I'm here to make sure you're fine. :D
So, we're doing a cranial nerve exam, a thyroid exam, we're checking your vitals and more (not in this order).
00:00 Intro
03:10 Asking you some questions
07:55 Taking a blood sample
11:43 Hair skin and mouth exam
15:33 Ear exam
16:45 Checking your vitals
22:38 Thyroid exam
25:41 Lymph nodes exam
28:25 Checking your reflexes
29:40 Cranial nerve exam
45:50 Outro