ASMR The Most Relaxing Jewellery Store RP 💍Realistic & Satisfying.

Gloss And Tingles ASMR
发表 3年前

The most relaxing Jewellery store you've ever visited. Extremely satisfying & tingly ASMR jewellery store roleplay with jewellery sounds, tapping, clinking sounds, sparkly visuals, soft whispers, and more 💍
Welcome to the most relaxing ASMR jewellery store. Let your personal jeweller select the perfect gift for the festive season. Beautiful jewellery and visuals to put you to sleep.

Shop my look:
💜My lashes in this video: 💜
💜My Lipgloss in this video:💜

✩ S O C I A L M E D I A
instagram: @glossandtinglesasmr
tiktok: glossandtinglesasmr
I appreciate all of your support and kind donations towards helping our channel grow 🤍

✩ C O N T A C T M E
email: [email protected] Business enquires only

This is a calm and positive space for you to unwind and be pampered. Self care is so important, so please take the time to relax. YOU deserve it! I hope you enjoy my videos x Lots of love x Gloss
#asmr #asmrjewelleryshop #asmrroleplay #glossandtinglesasmr


asmr jewellery collection asmr jewellery shop roleplay asmr jewellery sounds asmr jewellery store asmr jewellery tapping asmr roleplay asmr roleplay personal attention asmr triggers for sleep
