ASMR | Don’t worry, It’ll be fine in 32 languages 🤞🏻

发表 3年前

Hi everybody!
I’m back with my 9th language asmr :)
This time, it’s “Don’t worry, Everything will be fine” in 32 languages. As I said in the video, I wanted to do 50 languages for this asmr but I couldn’t find the voice recorded pronunciation on anywhere on the internet for some languages. If you were looking forward to your language but I didn’t add it in the video, sorry it’s because I couldn’t find how to pronounce it 🥲 It’s very hard to search every languages I want to try + languages I read on the comments. Anyway, have a nice day, sleep deeply and let’s get through this tough world together. Good night 🌙
- slyn

#asmr #languageasmr


asmr Bengaliasmr finnishasmr Indonesianasmr KOREAN한국어ASMR|새소리 language languageasmr Portugeuseasmr russianasmr spanishASMR swedishasmr tagalogasmr Ukranianasmr Urduasmr
