Phew, this is a long one. (That's what she said!)
0:44 A - apple
1:53 B - blue ball
3:39 C - cup
5:05 D - dog toy
6:50 E - eating sounds (eating an apple)
8:21 F - finger fluttering
9:44 G - good (trigger word)
10:45 H - hand sounds
12:17 I - inaudible whispering
13:34 J - (crinkly) jacket
14:38 K - kisses/kiss sounds
16:25 L - lens touching/tapping (lofi)
18:01 M - mouth sounds
19:44 N - nom nom (trigger word)
20:47 O - octopus (trigger word)
21:43 P - perfume bottle
23:54 Q - quaking (trigger word)
25:11 R - rubber foam
27:12 S - scissors
28:19 T - tea box & tea bag
30:16 U - utilities (trigger word)
31:11 V - visual triggers
32:22 W - wooden blocks
33:49 X - xeroxed (trigger word)
34:42 Y - yak (trigger word)
35:23 Z - zigzag (trigger word)
PS: Got this idea from minxlaura 123 asmr. :)
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