My First Soft Spoken ASMR - Halloween Trivia Questions & Answers with Tablet Tapping 🧟‍♀️🎃👻🧡🖤

ASMR Relax
发表 4年前

Hope you enjoy my first soft spoken ASMR video of Halloween trivia.
If you like whispered ASMR, check out the whispered version which is of different trivia questions and answers:
Also, check out my ASMR Trivia playlist:



asmrcommunity asmrsoftspoken anxiety asmr asmrhalloween ASMRMouthSounds asmrq&a asmrqanda asmrrelax asmrtapping asmrtrivia binaural calm calming depression halloween halloweenasmr halloweentrivia HolidayASMR insomnia mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR Q&A qanda relax relaxing Satisfying softspoken SoftspokenASMR softspokentrivia softspokenvideo soothe soothing tablettapping tapping TappingASMR tappingontablet tappingsounds tingles tingly trivia triviaquestions triviaquestionsandanswers Whisperers
