Hope you enjoy my first soft spoken ASMR video of Halloween trivia.
If you like whispered ASMR, check out the whispered version which is of different trivia questions and answers: https://youtu.be/vniAaIewDaw
Also, check out my ASMR Trivia playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwrxz4oe4pOiLFNETveBrREEoon2fh2Db
asmrcommunity asmrsoftspoken anxiety asmr asmrhalloween ASMRMouthSounds asmrq&a asmrqanda asmrrelax asmrtapping asmrtrivia binaural calm calming depression halloween halloweenasmr halloweentrivia HolidayASMR insomnia mouthsounds MouthsoundsASMR Q&A qanda relax relaxing Satisfying softspoken SoftspokenASMR softspokentrivia softspokenvideo soothe soothing tablettapping tapping TappingASMR tappingontablet tappingsounds tingles tingly trivia triviaquestions triviaquestionsandanswers Whisperers